A Framework For Sport In Australia
The Australian Coaching Council Ltd (ACC) is a not-for-profit organisation aimed at providing support for National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) to develop implement and coordinate coaching and officiating policy and coach and official development programs.
The ACC will provide leadership in three areas:
- Influencing and leading on ideas and modern thinking about coaching.
- Working with NSOs and other relevant organisations to develop quality coach education programs.
- Providing a quality assurance framework through a National Coaching Accreditation Scheme.
Strategically, the ACC will work in four areas:
- Coach development
- Building a coach friendly system
- Coach recognition
- Building an inclusive community
National Coaching Accreditation Scheme
The National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) was established in 1979.
Since that time it has developed into a world leading coaching development and education program.
The NCAS is administered by the Australia Coaching Council.

Our advocacy activities focus on improving the quality of policy and generating greater resources to support coaching and officiating throughout Australia. While ACC is particularly focused on issues of national importance that impact the sporting environment in an overall sense ACC is also committed working on issues that are of concern to specific sections within Australian sport. We combine grassroots feedback and top-level research to form an evidence-based lobbying agenda. We develop our advocacy campaigns by reaching out to National Sporting Organisations and other industry stakeholders and interest groups through surveys, focus groups, cross-sector forums and other means.
Events and Courses
This new on-line course has been developed for all Sports Coaches/Trainers/Officials to conduct training and coaching sessions during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Staying up to date with the current guidelines, you will learn the fundamental knowledge required to conduct coaching sessions and give your athletes the confidence to return to their regular training in a safe and protected environment.
Our Team